Take Home Asbestos Exposure
What is take-home asbestos exposure?
Second-hand, or take-home, exposure to asbestos is one of the leading
causes of mesothelioma in those who do not work in an asbestos-related
occupation. It happens when someone who works in close proximity to
asbestos carries the deadly fiber home with them after work. Asbestos
can be carried on everything from clothing and shoes to skin and hair.
When this asbestos is taken home, it can be inhaled by family members
who hug the carrier or wash his clothes. The cancer-causing fibers can
even be inhaled by children who spend time playing around contaminated
clothes in the laundry room. Today, doctors are seeing a surprising
shift in the demographics of mesothelioma victims toward middle-aged
adults and older women who were exposed to asbestos decades earlier
through a family member.
What if I’ve been exposed to take-home asbestos?
Anyone who has been exposed to asbestos should discuss their exposure
with their doctor at their next appointment. Because mesothelioma is a
rare disease that shares symptoms with many common ailments, it is often
difficult to diagnose. If you start exhibiting symptoms of mesothelioma
and your doctor knows you’ve been exposed to take-home asbestos, he may
have a much easier time diagnosing your illness.
What can I do to make sure my family members are not exposed to asbestos?
If you believe that your workplace may contain asbestos, you can protect
your family members from take-home asbestos exposure by taking two
simple steps:
1. Isolate your work clothes. If you can, change out of your work
clothes before you get home. Keep all contaminated articles of clothing
in their own sealed laundry bag before washing them.
2. Wash up. Even after you change out of your work clothes, you could
still carry asbestos on your skin and hair. Protect your family members
by taking a shower either at work or as soon as you get home, before you
touch anyone.
Take-home asbestos exposure is too often a tragic consequence of
corporate irresponsibility. By working together to ban asbestos and
raise awareness of mesothelioma, however, we can start reducing
instances of take-home asbestos exposure.
The traditional image of a mesothelioma victim isn’t a mother of young
children or a man just entering his prime, but rather a retired auto
worker or Navy veteran who was exposed to high doses of asbestos
throughout his career. Unfortunately, more and more people who do not
fit the stereotype are being diagnosed with mesothelioma. While they may
not have been exposed to asbestos through their job, they are the sons,
daughters and spouses of people who unknowingly brought asbestos home
with them after work.
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